Tanner here. I enjoyed the blogging process so much the first time around, I thought I would try it again!
This week I began reading thru the book of Isaiah, and from the very beginning I was getting wrecked. With every single verse I felt myself experiencing a wide variety of emotions. These were ranging from frustration and anger, to feelings of hope and peace.
Isaiah 1:17 says, "learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause."
With this verse in mind, the major theme, the context of the chapter is often sadly overlooked. Prior to this verse, God, speaking thru the prophet, tells the nation of Israel, his chosen people, that he is tired of their sacrifices, he is tired of their religious devotion to a system. I began to lay that over my life. I began to consider the 21st century church. Are we so devoted to a religious system? Are we too devoted to our traditions? In our efforts to maintain the status quo of our churches, and trying not to anger and offend the "church-goer," have we missed the mark? Are we seeking justice for those that do not have a voice? My fear is that we have watered down what it means to be Christ followers so much, that we are look like a club, not people called to reach the world.
So...what if?
What if you and I were intentional? Let's be the church, instead of making the church something we "go-to."
What if we were intentional with the Gospel in our circles?
What if instead of creating these "holy huddles," these religious social clubs, we went out and engaged a lost and dying world?
What if you, as moms and dads, would stop depending on the ministers/pastors at your church to be the primary source of spiritual influence in your child's life, and you took over that role?
What if dads would pastor their families?
What if the church would be more intentional about equipping people to serve the church and serve the world?
What if we were honest with each other about our struggles instead of putting on these facades that we have it all together?
What if we were people who lived like Jesus has called us to live?
What if more Christians would love the orphan?
God does not want our showiness! God does not want your faithful church attendance! God wants you! He wants your heart! Let's be people who walk the talk...
The first section of this chapter ends with God saying "though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool."
The hope of a better promise in Christ Jesus on display. Regardless of our short comings, both personally and corporately, there is grace.
Church, Believer, there is grace! Praise God for this amazing truth!
As a student pastor, I tell my students all the time, that everyone has a starting point. Ours is now! It is not okay to claim to be in Christ and not do what his word calls us to do. Let's be people who don't just read the word, but let's be people who are of the word!
What do you say?
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
Grace and Peace,
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